TF600 (Train For 600) Army Combat Fitness Test Program


TF600 (Train For 600) Army Combat Fitness Test Program


The Army is moving in a positive direction when it comes to physical fitness and unit readiness. Gone are the days where you can do Pushups and Sit-Ups and a 2 mile run and call it an Army PT Test. The new Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) includes the Deadlift (3 Rep Max), Standing Power Throw, Sprint Drag Carry, Leg Tuck and 2 Mile Run. That being said your Physical Training will definitely need a revamp to pass this new standard of testing. This is what the TF600 brings you. This 3 phase program will not only covers you on the strength training aspect but the nutritional demands as well. Suit up, sign up and get started on your way to maximizing your potential for the newly deployed ACFT!

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